Remember the August prompt...a memoir composed of 6 words?  Those six words may come in handy for this month’s Jump-In(vention): A SESTINA!

The sestina, a French form, is built on the number six: 6 stanzas, 6 lines each, using the same 6 words to end each line, with a concluding three-line stanza at the end containing all six words.

Step 1:  Choose your six words.
Example: 1) stilts 2) bless 3) drill 4) nest 5) brilliance 6) flesh

Here are the six stanza patterns that indicate the end word for each line:

Stanza 1:   1 2 3 4 5 6        Stanza 4:   5 3 2 6 1 4

Stanza 2:   6 1 5 2 4 3        Stanza 5:   4 5 1 3 6 2

Stanza 3:   3 6 4 1 2 5        Stanza 6:   2 4 6 5 3 1       
Final triplet: (6 & 2)  (1 & 4)  (5 & 3)

See what you can do with:
Option 1:     Your 6-word memoir words
Option 2:    The 6 example words above
Option 3:    6 words of your own choosing (hint: choose sensory nouns/verbs and/or words with interesting sounds) 

Want to have a look at a few sestinas first? Here’s a selection. Thanks to Carlos Rountree (‘99-’00) for this suggested exercise, one he remembers from a workshop with the inimitable YWW alumna, Liz Ahl (‘83-’86). We hope you’re getting hooked on “Jump In(ventions)!” Mark your calendar for the next one on Thursday, October 15!
